A Cape Town-based renewable-energy company, BioGreen Diesel, is currently pioneering the conversion of waste cooking oil into a less expensive, pollution-free biodiesel product.
In an interview with Engineering News, BioGreen Diesel CEO Roy de Gouveia elaborates that the company became operational earlier this year in an effort to advocate sustainability by producing biofuels.
While the debate rages among industry members as to what feedstock should be used to create biofuels, De Gouveia believes that the only viable feedstock option is waste cooking oil.
Thus, the aim of BioGreen Diesel is to create high-quality biodiesel feedstock from waste cooking oil and chicken fat.
The plant, which is based in Goodwood, Cape Town, has a capacity of 2 000 ∙/d.
The company uses the first patented jet reactor, invented by Org Nieuwoudt, to convert waste oil and chicken fat from restau- rants and retailers into an environment- friendly fuel that can be used as a mixture with, or a substitute for, diesel.
“Our biodiesel product is of a very good quality and meets both European Union and US specifications,” De Gouveia tells Engineering News.
Petrochemicals giant Sasol conducts tests on BioGreen Diesel’s finished product, ensuring the company produces high-quality biodiesel that meets international standards.
“No other company in South Africa has set this as a norm,” enthuses De Gouveia.
According to him, biodiesel has a minimal impact on the environment. It is nontoxic, has a higher flash point than mineral diesel, so it is safer to handle, and has reduced exhaust emissions in comparison. (four hundred litres of biodiesel exchanged for the same volume of diesel will reduce the carbon dioxide emissions by one ton.)
De Gouveia states that the company currently sources its waste cooking oil from 150 restaurants in Cape Town and sources the chicken fat from rotisseries located at Pick n Pay outlets in the Cape Peninsula.
“We are currently targeting the top restau- rants in Cape Town as it is important to source the best-quality waste cooking oil,” states De Gouveia.
The company sources the best-quality waste cooking oil owing to the fact that, as waste cooking oil is reused, the free fatty acid content increases, making it harmful to consumers and decreasing the quality of the biodiesel that can be made. (Often this oil finds its way into animal feed, pet food, or sold back to unsuspecting consumers.)
Although BioGreen Diesel only became operational earlier this year, it has nego- tiated supply contracts with major retailers Pick n Pay and Spar, as well as with Cape Concrete.
De Gouveia elaborates that Cape Concrete was the company’s first client and, as a result, the trucks delivering concrete to the Green Point stadium this year used a blend of diesel and biodiesel.
Major retailer Pick n Pay uses a 20% biodie sel blend in its delivery trucks in the Cape Peninsula.
Pick n Pay is following in the footsteps of international retailers such as Walmart, which has also adopted the practice of using a biodesel blend to fuel transport trucks.
By using a biodiesel/diesel mix, Pick n Pay and Spar, combined, will reduce their carbon emissions by about 1 500 t in the Western Cape over the next year.
BioGreen Diesel is experiencing significant growth, currently evidenced by the fact that the company opened a second plant in Johannesburg last month.
De Gouveia elaborates that the Midrand-based plant has a much larger capacity of 6 0000.
“We are currently negotiating supply contracts with major retailers in the Gauteng region,” continues De Gouveia.
The company also intends to expand operations to Port Elizabeth and Durban by mid-2010.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Sunday Times Artice- Fuelled by poultry power

Fuelled by poultry power
Nov 22, 2009 12:00 AM | By Anton Ferreiar
Cape Town's Green Point stadium is not only a spectacular venue for the 2010 World Cup - it's a monument to thousands of dead chickens that did their bit to reduce global warming.
The firm that provided many of the pre-cast concrete seats and beams for the stadium, Cape Concrete, runs its trucks on environment-friendly biodiesel made in part from chicken fat.
"It really works well, no problems," said Cape Concrete managing director Darty Louw. "You're burning much cleaner fuel, which is also locally made. It's not nearly as toxic as regular diesel and is a great way of getting rid of waste."
The biodiesel is supplied by Cape Town-based BioGreen, which uses a locally developed "jet reactor" to turn waste cooking oil and chicken fat into a fuel which, the company boasts, meets US and European quality specifications.
BioGreen director Jeff Theodor said the company obtained used oil and fat to use as the main ingredient in its diesel. "That's why we're in the business," he said. "It's the reduction of carbon emissions. Is it the future? Of course it's the future."
BioGreen operates out of a small warehouse filled with tanks, pipes, pumps and the smell of sunflower seed oil. At the heart of the process is the jet reactor, or what Theodor calls the "magic box": a steel chamber the size of a shoe box in which the raw materials are pumped through nozzles.
The patent is held by Org Nieuwoudt, who adapted a device originally designed to extract gold from slurry, which is ground-up ore mixed with water.
"For our trucks we only allow a 5% blend with normal petroleum diesel," said Christo Kleynhans, product manager for Mercedes-Benz trucks. "If you increase that above 5% you need to increase your service intervals."
Friday, November 20, 2009
News from the week, 20/11/09
Biogreen has had a busy week organising our move to Johannesburg, which should be complete within the next month. Our Johannesburg refinery will be supplying biodiesel to Pick n Pay delivery trucks in the Gauteng area. This is mainly due to the success we have experienced in running Biogreen diesel in Pick n Pay’s delivery vehicles in the Western Cape. It is our continued effort to produce biodiesel of the highest quality that will soon lead to our expansion country wide, with refineries set to open in Durban and Port Elizabeth next year.
There has been a lot of debate regarding the viability and benefits of biofuels in reducing carbon emissions. The criticism regarding biofuels is largely centred on the concern that the demand for biofuel feedstock has the potential to lead to an increase in food shortages and deforestation. Biogreen diesel however uses only waste cooking oil supplied by the hospitality industry, as opposed to virgin oil. The amount of biodiesel produced is therefore reliant on the use of oil in the hospitality industry, as opposed to crop production like many other biofuel producers. Furthermore, Biogreen does not support the palm oil industry, which has led to huge deforestation of tropical peatlands. All the oil we supply and use is sunflower oil, with no palm oil content. Although using palm oil is a potentially cheaper option for Biogreen, it would be to the detriment of the environment. Biogreen is strongly opposed to this and we are continuously trying to educate the hospitality industry of the negative environmental effects which occur should they choose to use palm oil.
Biogreen was interviewed by the Sunday Times earlier this week. The article will feature in this Sunday’s edition, so keep an eye out for it. If you are interested in what our company is doing and would like to know more, please feel free to email us at info@biogreen.co.za.
There has been a lot of debate regarding the viability and benefits of biofuels in reducing carbon emissions. The criticism regarding biofuels is largely centred on the concern that the demand for biofuel feedstock has the potential to lead to an increase in food shortages and deforestation. Biogreen diesel however uses only waste cooking oil supplied by the hospitality industry, as opposed to virgin oil. The amount of biodiesel produced is therefore reliant on the use of oil in the hospitality industry, as opposed to crop production like many other biofuel producers. Furthermore, Biogreen does not support the palm oil industry, which has led to huge deforestation of tropical peatlands. All the oil we supply and use is sunflower oil, with no palm oil content. Although using palm oil is a potentially cheaper option for Biogreen, it would be to the detriment of the environment. Biogreen is strongly opposed to this and we are continuously trying to educate the hospitality industry of the negative environmental effects which occur should they choose to use palm oil.
Biogreen was interviewed by the Sunday Times earlier this week. The article will feature in this Sunday’s edition, so keep an eye out for it. If you are interested in what our company is doing and would like to know more, please feel free to email us at info@biogreen.co.za.
Friday, November 6, 2009
News from the week, 06/11/09
Biogreen has had another productive week in our effort to reduce carbon emissions. Our Biogreen Oil client base is growing everyday with restaurants joining in our effort to reduce carbon emissions. We are currently supplying oil to roughly 130 restaurants in the Cape Town area. Two new and exciting clients, Protea Hotels and Southern Sun Hotels, will now also be using our oil in an effort to become more environmentally conscious. Each new client also helps in our mission to reduce the amount of harmful carcinogenic oil being sold onto poorer communities.
Biogreen diesel is running smoothly in both the Pick n Pay and Spar delivery vehicles in the Western Cape, with operations opening soon in Johannesburg. A total of 4903 litres of biodiesel were sold this week alone, which results in a reduction of roughly 12 tonnes of CO2 emissions . We have managed to reduce roughly 140 tonnes of carbon in total so far this year.
In our R&D department, we are making huge progress with our research into different algae strains as a source of renewable energy. Furthermore, Wall Street Journal has recently named algae as one of the top 5 technologies that could change everything. We are also yielding extremely positive results from our research into a glycerol based organic fertilizer and glycerol as a chicken feed additive. We are continuously carrying out research on ways in which to expand the company, in order to further our objective of saving the environment. Biogreen has been nominated for the Climate Change Leadership Awards 2010, the results of which we look forward to.
Biogreen diesel is running smoothly in both the Pick n Pay and Spar delivery vehicles in the Western Cape, with operations opening soon in Johannesburg. A total of 4903 litres of biodiesel were sold this week alone, which results in a reduction of roughly 12 tonnes of CO2 emissions . We have managed to reduce roughly 140 tonnes of carbon in total so far this year.
In our R&D department, we are making huge progress with our research into different algae strains as a source of renewable energy. Furthermore, Wall Street Journal has recently named algae as one of the top 5 technologies that could change everything. We are also yielding extremely positive results from our research into a glycerol based organic fertilizer and glycerol as a chicken feed additive. We are continuously carrying out research on ways in which to expand the company, in order to further our objective of saving the environment. Biogreen has been nominated for the Climate Change Leadership Awards 2010, the results of which we look forward to.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Used cooking to reduce South Africa’s carbon emissions
Press Releases - 29 October 2009
Used cooking to reduce South Africa’s carbon emissions
Trucks delivering concrete to Cape Town’s 2010 football stadium are using diesel enhanced by used cooking oil and poultry fat. This was revealed this week by Bruce Thorndike, CEO of Biogreen Diesel, a renewable energy company that is pioneering the conversion of waste oil to a less expensive, pollution-free biodiesel. As waste cooking oil is reused, the Free Fatty Acid content (FFA) increases, making it harmful to consumers and decreasing the quality of biodiesel that can be made. Often this oil finds its way into animal feed, pet food, or sold to unsuspecting consumers.
A safe alternative is to have this oil converted into a high quality biodiesel by a reputable company. Monthly tests on Biogreen Diesel’s finished product have certified that the company consistently produces high quality biodiesel that meets international standards.
“No other company in South Africa has set this as a norm,” said Jeff Theodor, a Director in Biogreen Diesel. Although Biogreen Diesel only became operational earlier this year, the company also supplies biodiesel for Pick n Pay and Spar delivery trucks.
The company uses the first patented Jet Reactor, invented by Org Nieuwoudt, to convert waste oil from restaurants and retailers, to an environmentally friendly fuel that can be used as a mixture with, or a substitute for, diesel. Biodiesel has a minimal impact on the environment. It is non toxic, has a higher flash point than mineral diesel so it is safer to handle, and has reduced exhaust emissions in comparison - 400L biodiesel exchanged for the same volume of diesel will reduce the Carbon Dioxide emissions by 1 tonne.
“Sixty percent of the brown smog that often sits over Cape Town is created by diesel emissions,” said Dave Morison, Production Manager of Biogreen Diesel, who has a background in atmospheric sciences. Switching to biofuels will help to reduce this pollution. By using a biodiesel/diesel mix, Pick n Pay and Spar combined will reduce their carbon emissions by approximately 1000 tonnes in the Western Cape over the next year. Biogreen Diesel, based in Cape Town, will open in Johannesburg in November and plans to expand operations to Port Elizabeth and Durban by mid-2010.
Used cooking to reduce South Africa’s carbon emissions
Trucks delivering concrete to Cape Town’s 2010 football stadium are using diesel enhanced by used cooking oil and poultry fat. This was revealed this week by Bruce Thorndike, CEO of Biogreen Diesel, a renewable energy company that is pioneering the conversion of waste oil to a less expensive, pollution-free biodiesel. As waste cooking oil is reused, the Free Fatty Acid content (FFA) increases, making it harmful to consumers and decreasing the quality of biodiesel that can be made. Often this oil finds its way into animal feed, pet food, or sold to unsuspecting consumers.
A safe alternative is to have this oil converted into a high quality biodiesel by a reputable company. Monthly tests on Biogreen Diesel’s finished product have certified that the company consistently produces high quality biodiesel that meets international standards.
“No other company in South Africa has set this as a norm,” said Jeff Theodor, a Director in Biogreen Diesel. Although Biogreen Diesel only became operational earlier this year, the company also supplies biodiesel for Pick n Pay and Spar delivery trucks.
The company uses the first patented Jet Reactor, invented by Org Nieuwoudt, to convert waste oil from restaurants and retailers, to an environmentally friendly fuel that can be used as a mixture with, or a substitute for, diesel. Biodiesel has a minimal impact on the environment. It is non toxic, has a higher flash point than mineral diesel so it is safer to handle, and has reduced exhaust emissions in comparison - 400L biodiesel exchanged for the same volume of diesel will reduce the Carbon Dioxide emissions by 1 tonne.
“Sixty percent of the brown smog that often sits over Cape Town is created by diesel emissions,” said Dave Morison, Production Manager of Biogreen Diesel, who has a background in atmospheric sciences. Switching to biofuels will help to reduce this pollution. By using a biodiesel/diesel mix, Pick n Pay and Spar combined will reduce their carbon emissions by approximately 1000 tonnes in the Western Cape over the next year. Biogreen Diesel, based in Cape Town, will open in Johannesburg in November and plans to expand operations to Port Elizabeth and Durban by mid-2010.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Biogreen Diesel goes Live with Pick n Pay and Spar
Biogreen diesel has gone live with both Pick n Pay and Spar in the Western Cape. We will be expanding to Johannesburg in November to roll out Pick n Pay as well as our Cradle to grave scenario through the hospitality industry.
Pick n Pay have been using a (B10) 10% blend with Biodiesel and mineral diesel in all their trucks. Spar are still currently in their Pilot phase with a (B5)5% blend currently.
Pick n Pay have reduced over 50 Tonnes of Carbon Emissions with a prediction of over 1000 Tonnes betweeen both large retailers in 2010.
Pick n Pay have been using a (B10) 10% blend with Biodiesel and mineral diesel in all their trucks. Spar are still currently in their Pilot phase with a (B5)5% blend currently.
Pick n Pay have reduced over 50 Tonnes of Carbon Emissions with a prediction of over 1000 Tonnes betweeen both large retailers in 2010.
Cape Town,
Carbon Emissions,
Pick n Pay,
South Africa,
Western Cape
Monday, June 15, 2009
Oil- Reports record sales

Biogreen oil reports record sales day. This is part of the process to close the loop on feedstock from oil cowboys in South Africa. The issue with waste oil to Biodiesel in South Africa has become of major concern to Biogreen as they uncover more & more industry players that are trading waste oil, wher it in turn falls into the hands of people that bleach it sell it back into poorer areas.
Roy de Gouveia says "we are different to the competition in that we are not competition. Our focus is on securing the waste oil that the hospitality industry produces & turn it into Biodiesel to help the enviroment". Biogreen oil is different why? They are offering the same product that is being sold into the hospitality industry at the moment. The difference is that they are offering it for cheaper and offering a better service to the hospitality industry. With top hotels & resturants on board, Biogreen oil is making great strides in closing the gap on the competition to secure Market share.
For more information on getting Biogreen Oil or getting rid of your waste oil to Biodiesel, call 0860 BIO GRN
Roy de Gouveia says "we are different to the competition in that we are not competition. Our focus is on securing the waste oil that the hospitality industry produces & turn it into Biodiesel to help the enviroment". Biogreen oil is different why? They are offering the same product that is being sold into the hospitality industry at the moment. The difference is that they are offering it for cheaper and offering a better service to the hospitality industry. With top hotels & resturants on board, Biogreen oil is making great strides in closing the gap on the competition to secure Market share.
For more information on getting Biogreen Oil or getting rid of your waste oil to Biodiesel, call 0860 BIO GRN
11th hour,
Biogreen Oil,
Global warming,
South Africa,
used vegetable oil,
waste oil
Friday, June 5, 2009
Biogreen Oil- Large Restaurant group converting oil

One of the largest restaurant & take away groups in South Africa is changing their current oil provider to Biogreen oil. They firmly believe that the process of Biogreen oil to Biogreen diesel is the route that all establishments should be taking. The general sentiment is that waste oil is being used by the staff because of economics & that they should be educated to understand what happens to the varnish like substance once it has been used.
Roy de Gouveia from Biogreen says "we are proud to the have the group onboard. This is a milestone in the war on waste oil being manipulated by oil cowboys for ill gains. The knock on effect of what happens to the oil in the poorer communities for peoples health, as well as how the hospitality industry is being sold their oil back bleached is of grave concern."
The group who will currently run the Western Cape for June, is excited in helping the enviroment, especially after the recent press of 100 months to irreperable damage to our Biosphere.
Roy de Gouveia from Biogreen says "we are proud to the have the group onboard. This is a milestone in the war on waste oil being manipulated by oil cowboys for ill gains. The knock on effect of what happens to the oil in the poorer communities for peoples health, as well as how the hospitality industry is being sold their oil back bleached is of grave concern."
The group who will currently run the Western Cape for June, is excited in helping the enviroment, especially after the recent press of 100 months to irreperable damage to our Biosphere.
Global warming,
South Africa,
used vegetable oil,
waste oil
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Winter is Cold!
In a recent analysis from waste oil, Biogreen has noticed a major decline in Feedstock for Biodiesel. The reason for this is mainly because of traders, that are selling the waste oil to feed, soap & paint industries.
The one major concern that stands out above all others, is unscrupulous companies that are taking the waste oil from the Hospitality industry, bleaching it & selling it back to the industry. They are also bottling it and selling it into the poorer areas in the townships of South Africa.
This oil is high in free fatty acids which in turn enhances HIV, Tuberculosis (TB) and is highly carcinogenic. The public and especially in the poorer areas are unaware of this happening and assume that the oil that they are cooking with is of good quality.
Urgent action needs to be taken to make sure that these companies are taken to task. Comprehensive testing for this industry should me mandatory to make sure that the public is not being Poisoned.
Roy de Gouveia
The one major concern that stands out above all others, is unscrupulous companies that are taking the waste oil from the Hospitality industry, bleaching it & selling it back to the industry. They are also bottling it and selling it into the poorer areas in the townships of South Africa.
This oil is high in free fatty acids which in turn enhances HIV, Tuberculosis (TB) and is highly carcinogenic. The public and especially in the poorer areas are unaware of this happening and assume that the oil that they are cooking with is of good quality.
Urgent action needs to be taken to make sure that these companies are taken to task. Comprehensive testing for this industry should me mandatory to make sure that the public is not being Poisoned.
Roy de Gouveia
used vegetable oil,
waste oil
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Macro Algae strain
Biogreen in discussions with regards to Macro Algae plantation on Cape West coast. We have identified a strain of Macro Algae that will be able to reproduce faster than other strains tested. This has been tested by the mariculture industry for the past 20 years.
Power Station interest
Biogreen Holdings submits questions to Major Power station to look at algae production from CO2 Sequestration.
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